Saturday, February 21, 2009

Again, the talk around marriage,,, sigh...

I had some chats with Bunny, a long static name on my YM list, which recently become talkative *apa salah gue, Beeeennnn? Apaaaaaaa?*.
He commented a lot on my 'dark' status' on YM... With his Mario T*guh style... *hyahaha, in a silly way, of course*. He insisted me to change on my status on YM, if I didn't, he woul be haunting my back for all day long... Arrrrggggghhhhh,,, why can't I be the the dark side of the moon, Bunny? Waaaaiiiii?
Anyway, that's not the point that I wanted to talk about... sorry about the prologue which has nothing to do with the main story, mate...
He asked me, how does a woman know, that she would be able to say yes on a man's proposal? How does a woman know that whe would be able to spend her lifetime with guy?
I answered... Engh,,, ndak tau Bunny... I'm not the one you should take advises from. I'm not planning to end this lajangjalang status from myself, hehe. Sorry, mate... To make it even awkward, I asked him, how does a guy have the guts to propose a woman anyway? how does he have the faith that he could spend his lifetime with a woman *remembering for some guys, the feeling of having a lot of women in their life made them prod, sigh*...
He replied, actually, we guys don't have the guts,,, He said, would it be enought if a guy propose in an unofficial way, such as I want to spend my whole lifetime with you...
I laughed... I said, If I was the girl, I would question the man back... 'kamu tau nggak, kalo aku tidur ngorok?' hyahahaha... I said, if that was the case, and I know, that woman you propose is not the kudalumping type like I am, then you should lay back, hold still until the woman beg you to marry her...
Isn't it about consensus, Bunny? Isn't it something that you both should agree in?
He said, then there's another problem. My family was worried. Worried that I married the wrong woman...
I replied,,, you should take me to your house sometime... maybe if your family saw me, they would encourage you to marry the woman... They would be afraid that you would end up for kudalumping girl like me...
pffftttt... hweehehehehehhe...

Ah, this conversation will lead us to nothing, mate. You're absolutely wrong to ask me such question. I'm not the usual type of girl that would know when to settle down. I'm not the girl that would ask someone to marry her ASAP. I can't even picture myself in a marriage,,, I know, it's pathetic, Bunny.
But having that chat with Bunny made me think, there's people out there that share the same thought that Bunny had. I mean, he had found the woman he was looking for, and his girlfriend feels the same way. Then, why would they have to wait? *dan, jangan tanya gw soal ini juga, gw bakal jawab... nunggu apa? nunggu kalo gw udah jadi menteri PU... :))*

So go out there, mate! do what you really wanted to do.

TiQi Bo
suffering migrain for three days, and not getting better... argh... why?

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