Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm not cool, I'm frost...

Taz: Cah, kita disuruh nyari artikel dari Butaru...
Bo: Ha? emh... apa itu Butaru?
Taz: Buletin tata ruang, bocah bodoooooh...

Look, Taz... I am trully sorry, I am new here... Oh rite, you're new too. The difference is I am stupid and ignorant to make it perfect... And you're older than I am... huehehehe, informasi gak penting... Iye, buuuuuwwww! terima kasih udah nambahin pengetahuan gw...

Taz: Iya, lu ambil aja Kapet di Biak...
Dita: Wah, nggak bisa... kapet itu yang megang subdit lain...
Heru: Kayaknya agak susah kalo Kapet, wilayah IV agak2 susah deh untuk nyari produk unggulan..
*and all the people in the room went yapping with all their knowledge...*
Bo: Cung, ehemm... Kapet apaan sih?
Taz: Iiiiiiih, bocaaaaaaahhhh... Kawasan pengembangan ekonomi terpadu *Truly sorry, I have forgotten the true answer from Taz, so freefalling translation took place again...hehe*
Bo: Hoo, ya ampuuuun... lu tau banyak ya, Cung...
Taz: ... bodoh...

Sowwwwiiiiieeeee... I skipped my classes during my college years just to have a better afternoon nap... uhuhuhu...

Bu Nuke: Oh iya, Tik... ini pake swakelola... ada metode kontraktual juga...
Bo: ... *memandang Bu Nuke... nyengir*
Bu Nuke: Jadi, Tik...swakelola itu kita nyerahin ke konsultan... yang kontraktual biasanya pekerjaan tahun kedua...
Bo: Oh, ok, Bu...

Bu Nuke must've been really frustrated to have a staff like me... she shooked her head and look pitiful on me... uhuhuhu...

The truth is, I don't like the so called cool words that government use... *please remind me, I am part of the what so called system...*. Why can't we use the normal words, anyway? My head just kind of frost, mates... and because of those loads of cool words, now my brain is beginning to melt... oh, dear... I hope it doesn't explode... =p

Mas Adam: Tik, jangan lupa nanti laporan yang kemaren dibuat ya...
Bo: He? nggak diminta ma si bos kok, mas... ih... eh, mas... mo kabur ke mana?
Mas Adam: Enak aja kabur... aku mau konsinyasi tauk...
Bo: Hoo, ok... gudlak, mas! Aku mau fesbukan! :D
Mas Adam: Huahaha, kerjain laporan di Bidakara kemareeen!
Bo: Siap, bos...

and I don't have a clue... what is 'konsinyasi'... mati saiah...

Dita: Iya, di wilayah IV ada sosialisasi lokasi blablabla...
Bo: Ha? Lokalisasi?
Dita: Bhuahahahaha, bodoooooooh...


Taz: Jadi, Cah... tar lu yang bikin artikelnya, ya...
Bo: Ha? gw? huahaha, lu percaya ma gw, Cung?
Taz: Hmm... mo gimana lagi...
Bo: Kalo gw yang bikin ya... tu artikel jadinya artikel pop gitu... pantesnya masuk majalah2 remaja, bok... gimana?
Taz: terseraaaaaaahhhh....

maafkan gw ya, Buw... gw agak2 gimanaaa gitu, kalo bikin artikel ilmiah... tapi, jangan khawatir, sapa tau tulisan dari direktorat kita bisa masuk citacin*a, huehehehe... not bad kan ya?

TiQi Bo
ah, my days are filled with fun and joy, if you see it in my point of view, hwehehehe. Jangan terlalu dipikirkan, ah...

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