Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Changes need to be made

Dear readers *if I had any... hwehehehe*,
Sorry for the inconvinience for this few days...
I made some changes for my blog, just an update of layouts and headers. I did it NOT because I had spare time to do it, simply because I don't want to feel that I have reached my limits and felt satisfied with my old layout.

Don't worry, I am still TiQi, the one that you all know for this past years.
Things got pretty rushed in my workplace. I don't want you guys to think that I had a lot of time messing around in Facebook every single day, it's just something I wanted to do to keep me sane *which we all know, that would be a lie*. I also don't want you guys to think that I would always be *literally* available in my messenger, I left it on just so you guys know I am alive, hehe.

Sorry if I got grumpy in this past several weeks, things just got into my nerves lately. But I will always try to squeeze in my schedule if you guys wanted me to accompany you.

Situ Gintung membuat saya gendeng... I hd to say that in bahasa, because I thought that describes it all. I guess that's the consequences of the path I have chosen. Dare to join me, to fix up this world from the inside? It's not the time to only criticize the world without actually getting involve into it again, mates... You should see it from my point of view.

While you can only trust the media, why can't you listen to what we are going to say? Let me explain several things... I am going to do this in Bahasa, so please be calm and read this carefully.

Situ, adalah sebuah tempat penampungan air alami, bukan buatan.
Bendungan, adalah tempat penampungan buatan, dengan beberapa kriteria, antara lain: Buatan manusia, bervolume lebih dari 50,000m3, dan... saya lupa yang satunya.
Situ Gintung, sebenarnya adalah sebuah bendungan. Kesalahan nomor 1.

Di sekitar aliran sungai, apabila diberi tanggul, jarak bebas bangunan adalah 10 meter dari muka air tertinggi. Sungai tanpa tanggul, daerah bebas bangunan adalah 50 meter dari muka air tertinggi, 100 meter adalah daerah budi daya *pertanian, dsb*.
Permukiman penduduk berjarak kurang dari 10 meter dari pinggir sungai, padahal sungai *kalo bisa disebut sebage sungai...* tersebut tidak bertanggul, kesalahan nomor 2.

Bangunan, harus punya IMB.
Bangunan di sekitar Situ Gintung, sebagian besar tidak memiliki IMB, kesalahan nomor 3.

OK, now you decide, who's fault is that? I have studied the maps to the area, there are no more than 100 permanent buildings captured from aerial view. How can they report, there are more than 300 buildings? and come, think clearly, how many family are there in a house? maximum of3? And how could there be more than 1000 families in that area?
From my point of view, that place is definitely a squatter. illegal.

For crying out loud, please listen to me first.

If you want to talk about humanity, let's talk about it properly. Is it humane to you, if they stayed in a non permanent building? Is it humane if they throw away their disposal to the *whatsocalled* river? what kind of humanity are we going to talk about?

I am truly sorry if this is an unconvenient truth for you, but please look into yourself. How can you complain about the trashes in the city if you keep throwing garbages to wherever place that you like. And when the rain came your city got flooded, you blame the government for that? Is it so hard to throw your garbage in a proper place? a garbage bin, maybe? If there aren't any, could you just keep it in your pockets before you find one?

Thank you for reading, mates.
I know you guys would care about the world as much as I do.

TiQi Bo
aahhh, it's past midnight again... Sleep Bo, sleep... you may have given away your 7 days in a week, but you didn't gave away your 24 hours in a day... For now, I'll close my eyes and rest my body.


kyrli said...

as i've said. lo lagi edan beneran ya bo? gara2 situ gintung

upik said...

mbak tiiiiikkk
pie carane ngganti tema blog nggo poto gitU? ajariiiiiii..ehehe

lembukuning said...


dah lama gak komen :p