Thursday, March 19, 2009

The l(e)ast beautiful girl

It won't be the first heart that you break
It won't be the last beautiful girl
The one that you wrecked won't take you back
If you were the last beautiful girl
in the world
-The last beautiful girl, Matchbox 20

I like this song nowadays... A little too late, I know.. even a decade too late, but well so be it, hehehe... Taz said that it's such a great song since the song was about a guy being broken up but still have the self ego to say he could cope and the girl was not worthed enough. Dini said she also like the song and had a cassette which was brought to her by myformerclassmatewhowasherformerboyfriend *yup, the relationship seems complicated, I know... huahahah*
Have you ever broke a heart? I have. Many times, hehe... whether I realized it or not. And for them, sometimes I felt bad. Sometimes, lhooooo...
I once wrote on my blog *I forgot which blog... as usual* that I once read a book 'diorama sepasang al banna' *yes, that book was given by a friend! would that explain to you, where did I get the book?*. There was written: 'dari semua perempuan, yang cantik, yang pintar, yang kaya, pilihlah yang baik agamanya...' *freefalling translations of the book, mate..*. Then, I closed the book. The book was so scary for me. let's have a check box shall we... cantik? huehehehe... my friends would laugh out loud... well, we'll pass this criteria *teman2 macam apa kaliaaaan? ckckcckck, jangan terlalu jujur ah...*, pintar? pppffffffffttttt... *ok, we'll pass this criteria too*, tajir? *melongok dompet... ok, tinggal selembar ungu2, atm... balancenya masih nol (kapan 80% itu turuuuun? kapaaaaaaaaaan?), mengais2 kantong, bunyinya krincing... T.T >.<* so, shall we pass this one too? yuk, mari..., and the last criteria would be... jengjeeeeeng... agama... *Ih, Bo... omongan lu beurat pisaaaan... meuni gaya, ah...* hyak... bubar grak, sodara2... terima kasih sudah membaca blog saya yang tidak jelas juntrungannya ini,,,,
I have come to a conclusion, anyway... I won't seek for a perempuan! *bletaaaaaakkk...* =p... Well, Mamak *who has just lost her baby to be... please accept my deepest condolence, Mak... ah, speechless* once said to me: Ini dia ni, bocah, alasan kenapa gw ga mo kawin ma perempuan,,, ribeeeeeet... Ok, Mamak... confirmed! *I missed Mamak... -hug2 Mamak...-*
Ehm2... anyway, I won't fall for a male *yes, human being with penis on their body...* just by those four bloody criteria I have wrote up there... I would fall for someone that could make me smile. That's enough for me...

TiQi Bo
iya kan? buat apa punya lelaki ganteng, tajir, pinter, soleh,,, tapi lu nangis mulu? you only live once, mate!

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