Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just don't exhale!

*been really busy, so I did not have the time to update my blog ASAP *kecuali ada yang mo beliin gw beri2 *kedip2**, this thing occured about a month ago... *

I strolled off to see night life in Jakarta last week. I went with Tommy, Magda, Kur2, and Lucy (a friend of Kur). We agreed to meet in EX. No, I was the one who ask them to meet in EX, since I was totally blind of Jakarta. *wanna know the map of Jakarta in my head? It only consists my boarding house, terminal blok M, and my office, how nice...*
Why did I chose EX? To make Heni envy of the three of us (Me, Magda, and Tommy)... hahaha, No, that's not the (main) reason. It's because EX is eye catchy. So if I got pass it while I was in the transjak, I could realize it. Huehehehe... Thanks to Christine, I knew the bus stop I have to drop off in. It's bunderan HI, and then just around 5-8 mins. Not so far...
Got into EX, then I suddenly realize... what's wrong with everybody else? They all look like chinese, here. Not that I'm racists or something, but I do feel unsecure in such condition, hehe. *I started to think, that I should probably change the meeting point to some pasar tradisional, so I could fit in, hehe*. Anyway, I finally met Magda, Kur, and Lucy in EX.
Magda also said to me: 'Lu nyadar ga sih, Bo? Semuanya ceng2, dong...'
Bo: 'Da, lu nyadar dikit juga, dong...'
Magda: 'What?'
Bo: 'You're also a chinese! Kur is a chinese, eventhough he's dark!'
Magda: 'I'm not!'
Bo: 'Stop that denial, Da... just stop... have you ever look yourself in the mirror? come on...'
Magda: 'I'm not, Bo...'

Yeah.yeah. There goes her denial... My beloved friend, just because you just discover that you were chinese when you enrolled the university, dosn't mean that you're not chinese. Me? I can't say a thing when people said 'Jawa, lu!' *walau jarang, hyahahaha... tampang gw mah, ambigu...*
We waited for Tommy,,, he hadn't show up... Ah, maybe he met his kuku, shu shu, cici, cece, koko, first downstairs... probably... huehehehehe...

Magda: 'Bo, see? I told you, we should dress up when we're going to a mall'
Bo: 'I don't care, Da...'
Magda: 'Look, it's like everyone is dressed up'
Bo: 'So? does it seems like I care?'

Really. I don't get it. Why must I wore the bling2 *ohmyeyesissogoingtobeblindseeingthatclothes*, just so I could fit in? Going to the mall were suppose to sooth yourself, right? Would tht be a problem if I wore sandal teplek, selana pendek, dan kaos oblong? I did that in Bali, hehe. Just got up from my nap, wash my face, yawn... and then I went off to the mall. And no body stared at me... what? That day, I dressed properly, I suppose... wearing my polo dress and flat shoes... nothing is wrong, right?

So, we also went to Djakarta theter, to watch curious case of Benjamin Button *ya ampun, Bret pit ganteng bangeeeeeeettttt.... Anyway, the movie was fantastic*. I sat next to Tommy.

Tommy: 'Gw ngeliat banyak ketidakadilan di hari ini, Bo'
Bo: 'Hah?'
Tommy: 'Moso banyak banget, yang cowonya ga ganteng, tapi cewenya cantik banget...'
Bo: 'He?'
Tommy: 'Gitu juga, cewenya jelek, cowonya ganteng banget'
Bo: 'Huahaha... look at the bright side, Tom... lu ma gw masih punya kesempatan untuk mendapatkan lelaki dan perempuan yang berwajah lebih baik dari wajah kita ini, ya kan?'
Tommy: 'Hmm...'

Huahahahaha, Tommy... Tommy... I really missed this kind of chit chat, you know. it's fairness, in my point of view, by the way. And Tom... If you got a girl that you like, go for her! Elu mah, nungguuuu aja kerjaannya, disamber ma orang laen, tauk... A girl would never wait forever, mate.

The movie ended at around 10.30 pm, then we strolled to hrab something to eat. We ate at jalan Sabang, in a pedestrian... There were smokers all over the place.

Magda: 'Kur, besok aku mau nulis di facebook, 'I wish smokers don't exhale''
Kur: 'He?'
Magda: 'Ya, kalo mereka mau ngisep rokok, isep aja semua asapnya mpe abis, nggak usah disemburin'
Kur: 'Aku udah pernah nyoba'
Bo: 'Trus?'
Kur: 'Rasane sesek banget...'

Kekekeke, so mates... I wish smokers don't exhale. I, myself doesn't have problems with smokers, as long as they smoke by themselves, in their own private room. Hehehehe...

Anyway, the later the night was, the shorter the pants were. Wah, malem2, pake hot pants... Ndak kedinginan, mbaaaaak? Saya sadja sudah pake jaket, huehehehehe...

Tommy: 'Kenapa sih, temen2 gw ga ada yang pake hot pants?'
Magda: 'Lu salah bergaul, lu mah bergaulnya ma kitaa2'

Hehe. Come on, hot pants? then my fat will go everywhere *lemak gw bakal kemana2*, huehehe. Not so great view, you know. Anyway, hot pants are beach clothing, right? Anyway,, Tom, kenapa bukan elu yang pake hot pants? huahahahahahahaha... gw poto deh, gw potooooo...

Then we went to our boarding houses. I got home at 12? or was it 1? I forgot. And no, I wasn't drunk... I just forgot. Tommy called just to make sure I'm safe and sound. Thanks for the attention, Tom. Next time, YOU ride me HOME! WAJIB! Biarin! Biarin! Ini Jakarta, Tom... bukan Bali... Di Bali, lu boleh ninggalin gw pulang sendiri jam 2 pagi... tapi, di jakarta... uhuhuhu... untung lu nelpon, kalo nggak udah gw marahin besoknya, huehehehe...

God, I missed them soooooo much! Ga mungkin kan, gw numpang bobo di kosan Tommy, kayak kuliah dulu,,, Dulu mah, ngerjain tugas, dan gw tidur dimana aja, hyahahaha... Ah, jadi kangen ngelembur pas deadline...

TiQi Bo

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