Thursday, February 12, 2009

Back Off!

This will only be a short note.

I have problems with preachers, or people that tends to be preachers, so back off.
I needed a humane person, not an immaculate one, so back off
I don't like the tone of your writings or sounds of your voices that made me feel I was totally wrong, so back off.

This will be the example of what I wanted.
Bo: Uhuhuhu, gw pengen nonton Jason Mraz
Friend that I hope: Ho'o. Tapi duit abis banget euy, miskin!
Or, choice number two: Nabung aja, nyun! Lu tuh ya, boros banget...
Or, choice number three: Who is Jason Mraz? Udah, ikut abang dangdutan aja yuk! (Najis luh! hyahahaha)
Or, you can choose your own humane character...

NOT like:
Friend that should back off: Music is forbidden, don't you know that? According to the holy bible, blahblahblah...
Or, example number two: You should be thankful, you have got money enough to support yourself,,,, blaaaaaah...
Or, example number three: Have you save your zakat to some people? Don't forget... Dang...

So, if you have a problem with my thought or my opinion or what I said, back off.
For you, it's your (kind) of religion, and take care of yourself. I am satisfied enough with my (kind) of religion.

If you needed a place where you can show your ability to preach, you can go to mosque or church or vihara or klenteng or create your own society

TiQi Bo
*I am annoyed,,, have a problem? ha?ha? face me! Don't turn to invisible and ran away like coward... ha?ha?*

1 comment:

kyrli said...

hey tik. gue suka post-an lo yg ini.