Sunday, November 2, 2014

It's A Totally Different World

Have I ramble on this blog on motherhood? I hope I haven't. Hell care if I had, it's my blog anyway.
I am a mother of a healthy two year old baby with penis attached from the day the stork sent him with additional emotional baggage I have to sign. I was ecstatic at that time. Now? Not so much.. Not that I don't like my son, it's just that, what I didn't realize was.. the emotional baggage was on me, not on my son. Yep, a human being with the ego size of jupiters (plural, you got that right), have to carry another emotional baggage.
I didn't know that I could feel this way. All those time when I was pregnant and before, not seems a lifetime away. They all seem.. I don't know.. insignificant? No one told me about this. Or did they? I wasn't listening then. I regret that. All those lovey doveys, heart breaks, impulsive, careless period of my life, now I can look back and say, mehh.. Literally, mehh. If I could get back in time and say something to myself, it would be: "mehh". At that time, those things were the centre of my universe, and I rotate on those matters on daily basis.
I thought I was brave enough to make up my mind to tie the knot (oh dear, the words hurt my eyes), but NO. The plot of having in laws thickens when this human half my DNA arrived in this cruel world. No more time for dramatic entrance when you got home, because apparently, someone's there to greet you with ear-to-ear smile (and of course, my in-law is there. sigh). Oh God, don't let me slip tongue here about my in law. The little human being doesn't need to know. yet.
(so you can just ignore the above words. Thanks).
My boss did say some true things about being away from home when you already have children. He said I'll miss a phase of life of my child. He said, when my kid has grown, he wouldn't remember all of this, but I will. Geez, thanks.
So, the moral of this blog entry is.. think. think hard. Because when you've made your choice, sadly, you can't go back.


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