Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Is This The Right Time?

Yeah, I have to do that. I've been normal for quite some months now. I mean, no random drive off or impulsive (expensive) shopping. I have to say, I'm impressed.
Maybe it's because I'm growing up *slaps self* *cough*. Most likely it's because my life is kinda boring at the moment. My colleagues are normal. They're biggest thrill was cave tubbing. Thank you very much. I expected something like pushing some professors off the cliff or something *wild, mate. wild*.
I should be writing my pre theses at the moment. Yet here I am, writing this blog entry, listening to Justin Timberlake, and waiting for Neil Patrick Harris' video buffering. Yep, I'm shallow. And please add up the ability to multi task, por favor. Say that again? Pre theses? Yes. I forgot that I have the obligation to write a theses and graduate. I did this for you, the people in INDONESIA. Those who paid their taxes on time and contribute to the country's budgeting! Thank you! The problem is, dear tax payer, I don't have any brain :|. It's kinda hard to write down  scientific materials and pretend that I understand a single thing I wrote. You can count on me drooling all over my keyboard when I wrote my pre theses.
My baby's healthy and well. I'm still a living commute zombie. My husband's still in love with this weirdo *I hope*.
Life's grand. Except you! Yeah, you! Scientific writing materials! I hope one day you could be more fun! *tossing reading materials away*

Maroon 5's on! Time to do head bumping on my desk!

TiQi Bo
-stressed out, mate-

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