Friday, January 23, 2009

And she seems so happy for a moment

She's there, trying to be anonymous again
Sitting by the window, breathing the grayish smoke of morning time in the moving box
Catching breathe to the sudden brake
Minding her step trying not to forget to step by her left foot first
Blured by groups of other more important person

She's there, still being anonymous to almost everyone again
Still enjoying her own world yet not suffering autism
Experiencing trance in her own state
Reaching out her hands and letting her pennies drop
And just around the corner, she stands

Pushing her way out from the moving box
When suddenly she felt something familiar is happening in this box
Suddenly the box just stopped, and by the sudden she tries to focus her eyes
She felt like somebody else is there, somebody that knew her personally
This feeling is, the feeling of not being anonymous again, she said

There she was, covering her shy face with gray papers,,,,
the somebody else she knows is there with somebody she felt so much comfort in
She met her, and forgot that the box didn't stop, she was the one that stopped

She knock her knuckle and ask the box to stop
Yet still trying to memorize every single thing that was precious to her
The fact that she was shy
The fact that there's finally someone sitting next to her
The fact that finally her comfort zone of being anonymous no longer exists

Panic stroke her when the box still moves
She look at the person in charge, and again knock her knuckles
She hurried stepping down from the boxForgot that she should've smiled back to themSomething that she always forgot to do

As she walk pass the gate, she once again became anonymous
And then she remembered
She texted her

All she wanted to say was, she was so happy for a moment then, that she saw her really glowing sitting next to him.And now, she is being indifferent again, being anonymous

Thanks so much!

TiQi Bo

still enjoying being anonymous, and sometimes distracted when somebody actually see me and notce I was there.Yet, Pip... you really make my day, mate! Say hi to you kakakpaketandakutip, hehe...

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