Monday, October 20, 2008

And we proudly call ourselves arhitects...

What happen if architects talk about health? One major chaotic scene of undeniable moronic things. Haha. I love being an architect! Oh, before I went further on, next year, I am planning to move my blog, to somewhere safe. I've been searching for hosts and names for my new blog, and it may took some time and extra energy (which I usually don't have, haha). Let's not call my plan move out plan shall we, because I will still be writing on my blog. It's just that I don't really like the people I know and meet regularly know about my stupidity and my deepest feeling and secrets. Once it happen, and I got really pissed out (pardon my french, hehe) and the person thinks that what I have share to the person does no longer became a secret. Still unforgettable,, forgiven, but not fogotten. Pretty traumatic. So, next year, guys!
As you all probably know, I am in my way of being a real architect (and crossing my fingers so hard that someday I can be a principal, haha). In my way, I have met various kinds of people, and most of them were architects. I didn't complain about that, because *call me narist* I think that architects rocks! ahahahhahaha. No, it's somekind of job demand. Couldn't say no, folks. and architects, mate, are absolutely nothing to macth with hat so called medical doctor. Hey, I barely hang out with doctors anyway! just don't rhyme, mate.
But, funny things occured every time me and my folks talked about health...

Intan: Tik, gw ga masuk yaw...
Bo: Waaaaaaaaiiiii? Lu tega, lu... tar kalo gw dicariin si Oom gimanaaaaaa? tegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,,
Intan: Gw gejala tipus, Tik...
Bo: huiks2... kasian skali kamu, naaaaaak.... trus entar kalo si Oom nanyain lu ga msuk kenapa, gw mesti jawab apa?
Intan: Lu pandangin aja dia, ga usah ngomong apa2...
Bo: Anjrit, kaga mau... tar kalo dya malah suka ma gw? ahahaha...
Intan: Dodol... Udah, bilang aja gw thypho...
Bo: Ah, gw tau bahasa inggrisnya gejala tipus...
Intan: Apa lagi? Eh, anak bawang...
Bo: Kalo si Oom nanya, lu sakit apaan... gw jawab aja bahasa inggrisnya tipus tu AIDS...
Intan: Anjrit, enggak laaaah!!! Anak bawang!
Bo: Ahahahahah, serem abiiiisss...
Intan: Dodoooooool!

but then, my beloved principal didn't ask about my PA to me, hehe. So I wouldnt have to say that AIDS word...

Bo: Aduh, ko gw blom dapet yaw? mestinya gw udah dapet... damn...
Myl: Hmm, mungkin lu hamil, Tik...
Bo: Hmm, mungkin juga...
Myl: Jangan2...
Bo: Apah?
Myl: Lu hermaprodit yaaa??? Waaaah...
Bo: Goblog... ckckckck... ngeri gw...

Bo: Mamak, kenapa kemaren nggak masuk?
Mamak: Ke dokter mata, gw...
Bo: Ada masalah?
Mamak: Iye, saraf mata gw keknya ada yang aneh, kata dokternya...
Bo: trus, kata dokternya apa?
Mamak: Katanya gw mesti berhenti mandangin layar monitor yang isinya garis2, gituh...
Bo: ergh... resign sono gih!

Arrrrgggggghhh, things never turn out right when it's about architects talking about helath! arrrgggghhh... but theen, my simplified argument will be, hey, we're architects, we draw, you pay... not that we grepe2 you punya bodi, you pay, ahahahah... stupit...

TiQi Bo

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