Friday, May 23, 2008

Personal DNA Test?

Minggu lalu *kalo gag salah, hehe... lali... wis suwe, pokokmen... kenapa baru di post skarang? Only God knows and my laziness knows why, akakakakakak*, gw nyoba2 menjawab pertanyaan2 yang di web ini... daaaaaan... hasilnya adalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah:

You are a Reserved Inventor.

apa maksutnyaaaaaaaaaaa? *setelah dibaca, ternyata ada penjelasan di bawah hasil tes ituh...

You are an Inventor

  • Your imagination, self-reliance, openness to new things, and appreciation for utility combine to make you an INVENTOR. gemar berkhayal, berimajinasi superduper ngaco, *sifat want to know* yang tinggi, hahah... I should have become an inventor...

  • You have the confidence to make your visions into reality, and you are willing to consider many alternatives to get that done. Ya iya laaaaaahhhh... Kadang over confident malah, ahahahaha... Dan alternatif2 yang gw pikirkan, seringkali gag masuk akal... -_-'

  • The full spectrum of possibilities in the world intrigues you—you're not limited by pre-conceived notions of how things should be. See, I don't believe that you can't do something, just because people tell you that you will fail... Discover the world, see it from a different perspective...

  • Problem-solving is a specialty of yours, owing to your persistence, curiosity, and understanding of how things work. Ergghhh, no comment... I have a lot of problems anyway... And some are unsloved...

  • Your vision allows you to identify what's missing from a given situation, and your creativity allows you to fill in the gaps. Ehehehehe, let's play puzzle, shall we? Finding the missing pieces...

  • Your awareness of how things function gives you the ability to come up with new uses for common objects. Yeah, rite... gw jadi tau kalo telunjuk bisa digunakan sebagai indikator penyakit... *kata nyokap gw, gw penderita penyakit nunjuk... stiap jalan ma gw, kalo gw pengen sesuatu, gw pasti nunjuk, ga ngomong... ahahahaah, telunjuk... really useful*

  • It is more interesting for you to pursue excitement than it is to get caught up in a routine. Getting lost? Yes, it's an excitement... Believe me...

  • Although understanding details is not difficult for you, you specialize in seeing the bigger picture and don't get caught up in specifics. no comment...

  • You tend to more proactive than reactive—you don't just wait for things to come to you. Ahahahah, terlalu antusias kadang bisa bikin gw gila... wait a sec, gw emang gila... kwkwkwk...

  • itu buat 'inventor'nya... trus...

    You are Reserved

  • You are RESERVED – you aren't someone who always needs to have others around, and you find you can handle most situations on your own. I like to be by myself, but I hate to be alone... get it? Blahh... don't mind...

  • You can be very happy spending time alone, and enjoy your own thoughts and ideas. Ehehehe, dengan kapasitas kepala yang berisi udara ini, gw perlu buanyaaaaak waktu untuk mencerna perkataan orang... Jadi, kalo lu minta pendapat gw sesegera mungkin, it'll be hard... karena gw bakal ngaco... *dan kemudian kpala gw meledak, kwkwkwk* -_-'

  • You find it difficult to understand why some people get so emotional and tell everyone else their problems. TRUE! TRUE!!! Knapa orang ngomong ke semuaaaa orang, tentang masalah yang dia hadapi, si? Cukup beberapa orang aja yang lu percaya, itu udah cukup...

  • You believe that if you want to get something done, it is best to do it yourself. Yup! You can't rely on others kan yah? That's why I'm learning to do everything that I wanted to do...

  • Despite your independence, you are not a closed-minded person who makes hasty judgments about others. You know that it isn't always easy to walk in other people's shoes. Hahah, other people's shoes... Let's not think about how it smells... mwahahahah

  • At times other people's feelings are puzzling to you, and you wish that people were more rational. Please, sit down and relax, think clearly first... please...

  • Your vision of the world is complex – your values are not set in stone. Instead, you are able to change your beliefs as you learn new information. hahah, world is something I should discover... dan gw berusaha untuk menyesuaikan diri, tanpa kehilangan diri gw... hahah, bahasa gw... sok iyeh...

  • nah, yang ditulis dengan warna beda ituh, pendapat gw, kwkwkwkwkwk

    notabersambung: di situ juga ada laporan tentang diri lu... and guess what? gw ga punya empati! Gag punya! ada siy, tapi nilenya cuma 2 dari 100! kwkwkwkwk... Openness gw tinggi, tapi extroversion gw rendah... I'm really complex am I?

    TiQi Bo...

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