Saturday, August 13, 2011

Wedding Spree

OeL's married years ago, and now a proud mommy of mas Ali and dek Adin.
Puta's married half year ago, and... hmm, haven't heard any updates from her quite recently. But she's doing okay. My buffalo senses told me so. :p
Dedeq's just married a month ago (I already forgot the date... :D), and now living with her hubby in Bali.
Yuyu's getting married in less than 3 months, finally made up her mind of being a full entrepreneur.
Eiy has sent the dresscode for her wedding, along with the cloth to make the Kebaya. She specifically said about that Kebaya dresscode, since me and Yuyu showed up with a dress in Dedeq's wedding. She wanted a javanese wedding. She even mentioned about beskap for our spouses. *dandanin ungking pake beskap. well, Ungking's close enough to a spouse isn't he? Well, he's all I got :p*
Bie has set the date for her wedding, probably by this year also.

Well, that's the updates from my BalZ friends. How time flies. It only feels like 8 years ago that I first met those girls (right, say.. whaaaa?).
I guess it's time for me to say: "Bumi, telanlah aku" *haum. haummm*
So happy for them! :D

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