Saturday, July 10, 2010


I don't think I have 100 years to live, so well I'll consider being 24 is an achievement. :)
Thank you for the blessing, gifts, prayers, *curse*, whatever you may say it. You all kept me going on until this morning. I thank you.
The best birthday greeting came from a cousin of mine: 'You could go get for everything for life, but just don't get married first. My mum would yell at me if you got married before me...'. Well, to tell you the truth... errr... marriage still hasn't crossed my mind at the moment, dear cousin. Just relax. But well, I don't know about tomorrow... *yak, malah bikin deg2an... mueheheheheheeh *ketawa jahat**.
I didn't mean to hide my birthday throughout, but yeah.. I like to keep my personal stuffs, well, personal. What's the point of having greetings from everybody from the entire universe if they don't mean anything to you? But well, that's was just my thought.
So yeah, still gots wish list to achieve. Hoping you guys would say prayers for me and my wish list. I'll let you guys know when I've achieve those wishlist. :)

I thank You for life and all the order in chaos that build up my life.
I thank You.

Tikki Mahayanti
Whoa, I'm already 24! err... or was it, yippie! I'm only 24! :p

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