Thursday, May 13, 2010


Slower slower
We don't have time for that
All I want is to find an easier way
To get out of our little heads

Have heart my dear
We're bound to be afraid
Even if it's just for a few days
Making up for all this mess

-run, snow patrol-

I had a chat with Genter, a couple of days ago. Genter is a guy who happens to inhabit the office across mine. It's been a while since I had chat with him. Usually we just nod our heads and smile respectfully when we meet in the hallway.
It was early in the morning, when the virtual conversation happens. I can't go back to sleep, and he was available. So, well let's make use of him :) (hmmm, somehow... The last sentence doesn't sound right... hmmm...). Start off with office stuffs. Continued with his latest fans. And end up with what I was doing at the moment.
I signed out for it was my new morning ritual I am going to do (Bukan, bukan pup sambil kayang... walo usul itu, akan saya tampung... :p). He asked me, what was my activity. I didn't have the chance to answered it, but yeah, lately I jog. As you all know, I'm overweight. Nonono, I'm undertall... *que cricket*.
Although jogging lead me to dislocated knees or sprain, or any other minor accident caused by my own stupidity, I started to enjoy the feeling of running away from daily life. I'm bored. A year! I repeat a year! staying in the same office, somehow it's too much for me. I admit, I get bored easily, and it's easy to dictract me also, but I've had it up to here! (pointing my fingers to the top level...).
I talked it down with Genter (yeah, I was pretty high at the time... let's hope Genter didn't remember a single thing I said :p). He felt the same way too. Well, he's been working for two years now, so I don't blame him if he wanted to run from this office as well.
What is wrong with us? Moreover, what is wrong with our office, anyway? All I wanted to do was run. runaway from that office. All I can do now is look for the opportunity. May the force be with me... :p

TiQi Bo
eit... Genter, lu tau blog gue yak? Diem2 ya, ooooommmm.... Kalo gak, gue panggilin fans lu niy... *evil laugh*


Anonymous said...

waaahhh... konangan kie.. mau melarikan diri dr kantor yaa?? wkwkwkw

*ide yg bgs*

Anonymous said...

wahh.. mau melarikan diri dr kantor yaaa wkwkw

*ide yg bgs >:)*

TiQi Bo said...

dear anonymous,
Kamu siapaaaaaaaa???

TiQi Bo said...

Dear Anonymous,
Awas kowe, maaaaaassss...
Tak enteni ning lantai 5! Eh, 3! :p
(setelah lama berpikir, lagi nyadar nek kowe... :D)

Aziza Iskandar said...

Udah tik, kabur aja... Hahahaha.. :))