Thursday, December 24, 2009

A chat with munyun

I knew Munyun since like, uhm... forever! Yet, she never fails to surprise me in any different ways. I guess, that's why we're still friends... Because it's fun! :D
Today, I met Munyun... well, not exactly... We made up a plan of meeting each other since she said, I've missed 8 seasons of her life.. :)) Nah, I just wanted to talk to her, it's been a while since we've updated each other's life.
And I, as a great and loyal friend, didn't mind meeting her in Yogya, altough I've been avoiding Yogya since last year... Well, at least I got Munyun to cover me up if something or someone showed up :p
There we were, in the blue avanza (sejak kapan brubah jadi avanza lagi? prasaan kemaren lu bilang, lu di yogya bawa starlet...), me sitting in the navigator seat and Munyun in driver's seat... (all the sudden, I became religious sitting next to her, while she ws driving :D)
She told me the story and I tried to pay attention to her without bursting any jokes (well, it failed, OK? I can't allocate my attention fully on one subject...) When it was my time to speak, the first thing I said was, 'you deserve a way more better life than this, Munyun'
See the picture above? That's Munyun. I mean, a girl like her could have any guy that she wants! But again, Munyun has succeeded to surprise me by sticking to a pointless relationship with idon'thaveanyideawherethehellareyougoing guy.
This thing brought me back to the time when we were still in Junior high. I envy Munyun with all my heart, I really do. I mean, she's smart, she's beautiful, what more can you ask? I thought she would end up with a decent guy and got married before 25, had a wonderful career and 2 beautiful kids.
Look where you are right now, Nyun... Your trouble? Just go, Nyun... RUN! don't look back, don't even think of it again. You've crossed the line you draw again and again. Are you sure you're ready with all the consequences, Nyun? Because me, personally, I'd leave the guy. But here I am, being a supportive friend, so anything you finally chose to do, just DON'T act stupid again! inget emak-bapak lu, onyooooon...

anyway, of course, here come the stupid part:

Munyun: So, now that you've met each other, any idea who is Kevin, Bo?
Bo: uhm, no...
Munyun: COME OOOOON!!! the guy's right in front of youuuuu! A friend from AMBON!
Bo: No, have no idea...

Bo: It's OK if we got lost...
Munyun: I don't trust your words...
Bo: Just trust me. We could just stop and ask... my verbal abilit is above average!
Munyun: SERIOUSLY?! *rolling eyes*
Bo: Yeah, but I need your ears, since mine are broken...

Munyun: Tell me when you see any fruit shop
Bo: Ah, there it is!
Munyun: Where? Where?!
Bo: Right over there! The guy who's selling jackfruit!
Munyun: Stupid... we came to sick my uncle at the hospital! You think it's cute to bring jackfruit?!
Bo: Yeah... :D

Bo: Stop here! we'll just bring DURIAN!!!
Munyun: Nah, thanks... I'll lost the taste of ribs if I eat that durian...
*mahasiswa miskiiiiin :))*

TiQi Bo


Anonymous said...

gw baru baca postingan lu ni,,,and guess whattt??? i read it with -idon'thaveanyideawherethehellareyougoing guy-.. great..


TiQi Bo said...

Si odong2 maaaah...
Udah tau punya temen yang gak punya filter kata2... MALAH DIBUKA DI DEPAN UMUM AJA, BLOG GUEEEEE...
*nodding to THAT guy* :p
Wuf you guys back! :D