Friday, August 22, 2008

She's my PA!

PA stands for Project Architect, the one(s) who's in charge of one project. Right now, I am the 'anak bawang' on 240 apartment project. My Project Architect is Intan, an ITB graduate, suppose to be older than I am, but as always,,, architects never gets older, hehe. No, we do get older, we just don't get more mature, ahahahah... That's what keeps us alive in this wild2 world of Architecture.
She is one fine PA, not complaining even though I always asked her about the itsy bitsy unimportant things (and definitely forgot to ask her about the important ones, that's why she is there, to remind me of those things...). She's the one who have to face si Oom every time he got upset about things, while I was just there to back her up...
One fine day, when si Oom is around, he talked to Gayuh and Galih, about having a meeting with them in the afternoon, later on that day. I wasn't able to listen perfectly, but in his conversation he mentioned 'Inchan' (well, that's what I heard...haha) and 'meeting'. Intan looked at me, and asked 'what did he say?', I said...'I'm lost...'
Intan: Ah, lu tuh, ga guna banget
Bo: Tadi si gw cuma denger Inchan ma meeting, kali Oom mo ketemu lu, Tan...
Intan: Gw juga cuma denger spotong2 gitu. Meeting apaan ya, bwok?
Bo: Tawuk... bukannya kita abis meeting ma dya hari Jumat? mang mo ngliatin apa? ni baru Slasa bukan?
Intan: Mungkin dya mo ngliat KEP. *mulai terlihat panik*
Bo: Emang KEP ada progress, Tan? *mulai muncul tanduk*
Intan: Asloh (gw ga tau gimana nulisnya, tapi artinya sama kek asshole, in Germany, ahahaha)... kagada, bentar2 gw cek imel2 dulu. *semakin panik*
Bo: Nah lhooooooooo, lu cek dulu ma Martha, sapa tau dya juga disuruh meeting ma si Oom... *tau2 megang trisula*
Intan: *mulai ngecek2 imel, ngebuka file KEP, nelpon Martha* Masa' si, dya mau ketemu soal KEP? Ato 240?
Bo: Tawuk, Jumat mpe slasa emang kita mo ngasi progres apa?
Intan: Ya udah de, pasrah aja, gw ga tau dya mo ketemu knapa...
Bo: Dya kangen ma lu, Tan... *I evolved into a perfect demonish me*
Intan: Asloh...
Bo: Mwahahaha, trus, lu ketemu dya ga bawa apa2 gitu? Yang laen bawa kertas2 gitu...
Intan: ... gatau de...
Bo: Gw perlu ikut ga?
Intan: Ga usah lah...
*So, Inchan went to see si Oom all by herself*
Balik dari ketemu si Oom tampang Intan jutek...
Bo: Nape, Tan? Ketemu Oom ngebahas apa?
Intan: 240
Bo: Trus?
Intan: Masa' dya bilang kita kudu ngasih intangible progress buat 240? Padahal terakhir ketemu dya kmaren dya ga ngomong apa2...

ahhh,,, gw gatau sapa yang stres,,,, gw, PA gw, ato si Oom *bos gw ituh...*



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