Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Kya2 LABO to Pearl Garden

On Friday, March 7 2008, the office I worked in, LABO architecture+design went off to Jakarta. We went sight seeing to some venues.
I didn't like the fact that we still have to head off to Jakarta to see a better perspective of what so called 'progressive' architecture in Indonesia, but I sure like the fact that I could get off from my daily routine, just sitting and staring my PC monitor for some good reason (i suppose)
Like I said, there are some venues we visited, but in this occasion, I'll share 'Pearl Garden'. Pearl Garden is a mix used complex, consisting apartment and office. Located some where in Jakarta, heheh (Yes, my memory is still low, I wonder how I'll ever survive living in Jakarta with so many streets to remember in my empty mind). The architect is Sardjono Sani, who owns PT Bias Tekno. Please keep in your mind, that this is an architectural journey, so don't mind about the narcism, hehe... because like always, architects always wanted to show up in every frame people capture (or it was just me, well be it...)
Pearl Garden, I like the fact that the series of buildings were considered 'low rised' among the skyscrapers located all over the place in Jakarta (reminded me about playing monopoly, when as a kid, I got so greedy and put houses all over the place without minding rules, regulation and stuffs). It has a different atmosphere there. it's like you are really in a suburban place, where the land use were really meant to be residential. Really comfortable, really homy (yeah, I wish I had a home like these kinds... but nope, I don't even have a house...). I also like the fact that it has several swimming pools. Then i imagined, I could swam in different pool every single day, hahah. If I had the time... (and money to buy a unit, of course). But then a friend of mine just destroyed all my imagination when we get to Pasar Baru (later on that day, still in the same journey) when she said, yeah, after swimming in Pearl Garden, you could swim here (right in front of us were brown, smelly, yucky river...thank you so much). Well, all those comfortableness you will earn also came in an amazing price. Minimum starting price were 2,000,000,000 IDR (the zeroes made me dizzy...)
Just enjoy the pics...
the swimming pool... different aura compared to the living units in the background

living units skyline


see the background? and see how foggy it is? scary, huh?

connecting bridge

'backside' service pathway...

I love the lamps...

Mila, my work-mate...



keen on taking shower in outdoor area?^^

Mila and Dian...

Still foggy... green yet foggy

my bosses (Deddy and Nelly). a post wed...

me... being narcist

Tikki Mahayanti

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