Anyways, almost the end of 2017. Should we highlight the things that happened in my life this year? Let's.
- I moved office. Well this
shithappened back in 2015 after I got back to the office, but this year, I finally felt the culture shock. My office mates ventured off to pursue their educational degree, leaving me alone. Ya jadilah gue yang dibenyek-benyek bos gue 8 jam sehari, 5 hari seminggu ya. Terima kasih. - The little' guy is finally a pre-schooler! He's 5 now, and the questions shifted from "apa?" to "kenapa?. Which made me think I must have done something suspiciously nasty in the past to be tortured with these questions 50 times a day. But hey, enjoy motherhood! *channeling happy thoughts while crying in the shower* *which to my surprise, taking a shower for 5 minutes could be really therapeutic* *lanjut digedor tuan muda*
- Still playing pokemon go. It's a stress reliever.
lalu diliatin dari ujung rambut sampe ujung kaki dengan nista, karena hari gini masih main pokemon go.So I should really apologize for those who saw me on the streets on my way to kebayoran station or vice versa, and I did not say a word. Made you think you've mistaken me for gembolan beras, don't you? Yeah. - Finally making peace for things that didn't go my way. Kalo le husband mau ngebengkel dan eyke nggak suka, ya nggak usah ikut. Demikian pula kalo eyke mau ngumpul-ngumpul sama temen dan le husband nggak suka, yakali ah mesti ikut. Sila ngebengkel, Babah. *selama
kartu ATM nggak ikutan dibawa ke bengkelmembawa kesehatan jiwa yekan?* - Got promoted in the office. Yeah, my life is dull. It's office-home-office-some undisclosed places-home. Was it the highlight for this year? Not really. The highlight is, I finally realised that I could not tolerate stupidity and the likes. My subordinates doesn't like me? Well you have two choices, you could bear with my antiques or you could pack your stuff. Don't you ever think your irreplaceable
emang ngana Beyonce?. It's an office, everyone's replaceable. - Le husband is thinking of having second child, and I'm thinking of taking a long vacation. We haven't made up our minds about that. Let's just hope I win. I'd like a two weeks vacay yang nggak diteror kantor, terima kasih banyak. Lagian, emang biaya sekolah anak murah apa gimana? *malah tsurhats*
- Tey said that if you're not friends in social media, then you're non existent. For reals, though. With all the pointless debates on social media, this year is the worst. I think posting anything on social media will lead to a debate. I wish I was non existent on social media. Tapi nasi sudah menjadi bubur. Bubur tanpa topping. Hambar, kak.
That's it. I guess.
There are some random things that I did, which I think should not be written on this blog. Karena mengumbar aib lebih lanjut ke khalayak ramai. Yasudah.
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