Sunday, November 1, 2009


kataku, Kau yang berkuasa atas segala sesuatu
katanya, Dia yang berkuasa atas segala sesuatu

kami jadi bingung

bolehkah aku
tanpa namanama?

-A blues for you, 2 Fahd Djibran

hey You, you know exactly how I think and how I felt. Could you give me any conclusion of how I suppose to call this thing? this feeling? this thoughts? this situations? Is there any name at all to state this condition?
Life's bizarre don't you think? it's full of crossroads where you accidently met someone and let them persuade you to follow them to walk along at their path of life, until they met somebody else or it's you who met somebody else. For those persons I've met, I thank you for all the lessons learnt. Life has no dead ends, that's what's fun. When you think you saw dead end, well you can always turn back, mate. Don't take life too serious.
Life led me to you, the one I miss right now. But you, I don't even know wether you were walking beside me or not. I can't read minds, so please talk. I can read signs, but you're not giving any signs at all. Or am I blind, to not see any signs from you?
I don't like this feeling, the feeling that I couldn't even describe. The feeling that I don't know how to express.
I guess I missed my absence towards feeling. Of me being numb.

If you happen to read this, I just want to know, where should I stand? In the corner of your street or should I keep moving to another intersection?

TiQi Bo
mangap, bukan posting jatuh cinta... ini posting bingung permanen... so, just leave me be, past! you're history... there's where you belong...
I missed You too, You know... so let's say, a date tonight? would You care to step into my place?

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